Available Shows

Grandpa's Trunk

Festival Show

  • Unicycling and juggling
  • Festival Wandering

Table Tricks

Renaissance Repoirtoire

  • I have a renaissance-style costume ready so that I can provide your Madrigal Dinner, Renaissance feast, party, or festival with period-style juggling.
  • More than ten years of experience performing in the University of Texas Madrigal Dinner. I've produced 'em, written 'em, and performed in 'em. 

Balance and Motion

  • A 30-minute show tailored for 2nd grade science curriculums using the Balance and Motion Foss kit.

  • Requires a 10' wide semicircle performance area with a hard floor or berber carpet.
  • See also this post.
  • Adam Turner and Kelly Matlock, 2nd grade teachers at Townsell Elementary, Irving ISD, say:

    The Amazing Aaron's "Balance and Motion Juggling Show" created a balanced learning environment, where our kids were able to concretely relate the balance/motion TEKS and vocabulary concepts with an exciting visual dimension. The presentation, itself, was clear and concise yet thorough and valuable. Aaron's positive and genuine attitude connected with the students and made them become almost hypnotized by his performance. I hope that we can get Aaron to come to our school again next year!

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