Thursday, July 9, 2015

Flype, a fragile plastic film that you spin on a finger

I dropped into my local Learning Express yesterday, and saw this; they say they are one of very few retailers that have it. Comes from France. It's a credit-card-sized rectangle of thin plastic film shaped like a tray, which spins when you push it through the air, balanced on your finger.

They are  fragile so they come in a 3-pack. I think they were $5. There seem to be lots of videos of them on YouTube.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Road Trip to the Victoria Public Library

Victoria, TX has a large public library that serves 60,000 people in Victoria and the surrounding area. They were nice enough to bring me out for a kickoff of their summer program. I did four shows in the summer heat last Monday June 8, and was very glad they had a tent. Also, they had free snow cones, which is something I recommend for all future shows. Really helps bring in the audience. :)

This show involved a road trip ... it was a 2.5h drive for me to get to Victoria to do this one.

The libraries I've performed at

Here's a list of the Texas libraries I've performed at:

Austin Public Library, five different branch locations
Bulverde/Spring Branch
Cedar Park
Johnson City
Lago Vista
Wells Branch

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Show finale at Penfold Theater Show Saturday Night

Here's a shot my wife Tanya caught as I was ending my show Saturday night; I opened for the Penfold Theatre's production of "Shipwrecked."  There are still a couple of weekends of this free theater-in-the-park style show and it's appropriate for all ages.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Navasota Public Library Show

Here are some photos the folks at the Navasota Public Library took during my show there June 3, and were kind enough to share:

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Where to get spinning plates, revisited

On a quick web search, I see this:

- plastic spinning plate set $7.30 at Mansion Athletics
- plastic spinning plates $6 at Serious juggling

Spinning plates are an easy trick to get started with, and for building confidence. For me, learning a trick is about understanding what I'm trying to do and seeing it as something possible.

Here's a good page of instructions on how to spin plates:

(I just did a library show and found myself recommending spinning plates again, so I thought it would be good to update the information here about how to get them.)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Spinning plate sources

Had a couple of shows for Hill Country libraries this week ... at which I mentioned plate spinning as a great, easy, introductory trick. But you want to get some special spinning plates, and here are some places where you can do that.

I'm not affiliated with any of these retailers ... I just did a search and posted some likely-looking links. The Mansion Athletics one promices a $5-something price, which is better than I've seen elsewhere.

If you're in Austin, I believe you can find these at Terra Toys and Toy Joy.